Monday, January 23, 2012

God will never give us more than we can handle

Dear God,

We really need to talk about this never giving someone more than they can handle.  I think I might be there.  Yes, I know you know best, but still…. I would really like to have my arms back to semi normal before the other stuff starts.  You know I sleep much better on my side then on my back.  Besides, I am waking Gwinny up with my snoring, and usually it is the other way around. 

I would like to thank you for giving me awesome, awesome doctors, nurses and support staff.  Dr Kotz will be great and I think I really got some gold stars when I told him I too work with the public and yes, people are idiots.  He seemed to appreciate it.  I mean, who the heck takes 48 pills at ones…it’s sad that he had to explain that it is 4 pills a day the day before and the day after chemo,  not all at once.  I guess there is always one in the crowd so maybe I should add those people to my prayers. 

I would also like to ask for all the tests I have to go through this week go smoothly.  Yes, my plan had been to work most of the week, but you obviously felt it was best to get the blood tomorrow, the CT and Chemo Class over with on Wednesday, meet with Dr Lynn Thursday am so she can tell me how wonderful I am doing and then wander over to the Medical Mall to get that bone scan so I can try to get back to close that night.  I sure hope you are able to convince those people where that Mugs thingy is done to get me in there Friday morning so I can start chemo Monday morning (and why in the world did you let them call it mugs when it is basically a test to see how my heart is doing… sometimes simple words are much easier to understand).

            I know this is going to be a rough and hard time, but I am ready.  You have surrounded me with people who will watch out for me, take care of me and will let me know when I need to slow down—and will make me.  You have blessed me with a staff that is willing and able to pick up the slack and let me do what I need to do.  Speaking of blessings, thanks for Mom and Billy; Mom to take care of me and Billy to listen. 

            On Sunday my kids and I talked about how we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and we did the story about Peter walking on the water and how he started to sink when he lost his focus.   I shared with them what happened when Dr. Lynn told me I had cancer; I told them I did cry for a second or two, but then I felt the peace only you could give.  And they got and understood it.  Thank you for them as they ground me.  And we will work on the praying thing—they mean well but need to work on the not talking during the prayer.  Still, I love them.

             Thank you for loving me and keeping me in the palm of your hand for there is no better place to be.

            Love, Liza


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you feel God's presence. Only HE can bring that feeling of calmness over you. HE was with me when I went thru my cancer treatments. I have thanked HIM daily since I was healed. Also thanked him for the medical personel who have found a way to stop the cursed cancer.
