Saturday, January 7, 2012

Be careful what you ask for....

Well, that sucked.  And to clarify, the needle did not go through the nipple… just on the side.  Always look at the positive.  So let’s travel to the positive side for a moment, shall we? 
·         The Percocet is lovely.  Kicks in rather quickly so the pain really does not exist.  However, the itching is rather annoying, but thinking positively, it only lasts for a few hours, just in time to do it all over again. 
·         I get to get the Raquel Welch wig that I have been eyeing. 
·         Let’s go back to the Percocet.  I have to eat something before I take it so I am eating either Fruit Loops or Entenmanns Crumb Cake.
·         When Mom tries to empty my drain—I yell “Bill, she is ripping it out—check on it.” (I know darn well it is fine, but hey, gotta keep her on her toes. And for those of you who are shaking your head, it comes out on Thursday, so let me just enjoy it for a few days).
·         Aunt Sue says I can say shit on here instead of crap.  (Don’t worry Mom, this is the only time I will say it. I know where the toilet paper comes from).
·         I am currently the Golden Child.  This status will last until I am finished with treatment and my hair starts to grow back.  Then it will revert back to the original Golden Child.  (I just ticked off the toilet paper fairy… probably not a good idea).
·         I get a cruise.  I even had Billy up to a 30 day cruise yesterday as I was upgraded from a pin cushion to a pin sofa.  30 days is too long, so I’ll just have to settle for something shorter.  Darn.
·         I don’t have to get up and feed the dogs.  (That will not last long, so I will enjoy the next 2 days as well as hearing Mom “talk” or “yell” at the deaf ones.  Yes, life in the dog geriatric unit is never dull).
Seriously, it was not as bad as it could have been. The care I received the moment I walked in to the moment I was wheeled out was amazing.  I was peaceful and at ease the entire time.  (Okay, I was a little pissed when they were trying to wake me, as I was having such a good sleep).   Billy timed it great and walked in the door just as Mom was being paged.  Jan Ladd (thank you) stopped by and was with Mom too so even if Billy had not been on time, she would have had someone with her.  Mom said she knew as soon as she saw Dr. Lynn’s face it was not good.  (Good is all relative -- at least the cure rate is good). 
                Dr. Lynn came in and I knew as soon as I saw her… all I said was “it’s in the nodes huh” and she said yup. She told me Billy was here (Mom told her to tell me that) and then I asked how Mom was.  She said she was holding it together so I felt better.  She asked me if I wanted to stay overnight, but since Billy was here, she would let me go home.  (I remembered the meatloaf and peas so I elected to go home.  I knew there was a Chicken Pot Pie at home).  ( I would also like to point out I had not eaten or had anything to drink since 10:30pm—something I was asked a million and one times-- and they had food advertisements all over… mean people).  I was wheeled to my room where I was reunited with my family as well as some ginger ale and very fresh goldfish.  That is when Pastor Bill arrived—without a cupcake I might add.  (All I could think of was crap, he is going to have more hair than me—and yes, I voiced both--where is my cupcake and you will have more hair.  I think he laughed… could have been a grimace or the more logical thought is he is worried about me being on drugs during Tuesday’s Session meeting). 
                 I elected to drive home with Billy. A—his car is more comfortable than Mom’s.  B—he would give me the low down.   I was feeling much better as we were driving but I needed something more than goldfish… I needed a biscuit (or 2).  So into Bojangles we turned. As we drive away, Billy starts laughing… apparently when he lets his patients go home, he gives this lecture and always adds, don’t stop at Bojangles or Burger King.  Yeah, he listens well to himself.  But I was happy.  And since I was happy and my head was clearer, he began to fill me in.  More than likely 6 chemo treatments followed by radiation.  Of course it is all my fault, as I asked God to make the decision easy for me as far as chemo went; before I went in, I was debating if I wanted to make sure it was all gone by going through chemo and not just radiation.  Glad to have that decision behind me. 
                All in all, it was not that bad of a day and while I have a few months of hell in front of me, I cannot say it enough, I am surrounded by awesome, loving and caring people in all walks of my life and God will get me through it all. 


  1. You can do this, Liza! What an amazing story you wrote here. Not everyone can put into words the way you do---never lose that positive thinking! You continue to impress and amaze me. God Bless you !!

  2. Liza,
    You really should consider writing or becoming a stand-up comic when you grow-up...this is just too funny (the writing that is, not the situation..) I will try not to intrude or be too nosy, but just know that I'm here if you need me. Heck I'll even fill in with the teens if you need me to. Love you and hang in there!

  3. You're the greatest, Blondie. Love the positive attitude. Can I still call you "Blondie" when you're bald? Another close friend of mine has been through what you're about to go through. Like you, she was a hair freak...blonde, flowing, always beautifully coiffed. But she was beautiful when bald as well. Now she's back to being a long haired blonde age with long blonde hair...can you imagine!!? The main point is she had breast cancer, had the lumpectomy, had the treatments, and survived. And she's an atheist, so she didn't even have God on her side! You go girl!!

    Betsy J.

  4. Well good morning Liza...hope this Sunday finds you in good spirits, less pain, and still with sense of humor. You know other than everyone praying for do realize that the sense of humor is vital. You are such a lucky person to have so many people supporting you during this stressful time in your life.

    I am a little concerned that someone has not acted on the "cupcake craving". I can take care of that for you whenever you are ready. Gotta' give me a little bit of notice....I need prep time and remember I am 145+miles away.

    "Peaches" (I'm sure not everyone knows about that nickname and that's okay....I'm not even sure I can remember the story:).. oh well..) I hope that you will continue to feel better and I know that you are looking forward to Thursday for removal of the tubes. I continue to pray for you and a quick recovery.

    Please don't fight with your brother, as it would probably be in your best interest, as I see a cruise in your near future. Wish I could be there to help. If you need me, just call.

    Tell your Mom and Billy hello for me and they too are in my prayers and thoughts as they see you through this ordeal.

    Love ya.

  5. Your sense of humor and belief in God will help you thru the next 2 months. Both were with me during my "cross to bear." The church family prayers will warm you as you drive back and forth. And, you will get tired of that drive.

  6. Is it wrong to say I an enjoying your blog? (You know what I mean.) All the best to you and your family.

  7. Betty Rawlins wrote "First you cry" about here bout with cancer word. I don't think a good book about the experience has been written since. I see you doing the book and taking long cruises. (Or writing the book on a long cruise)It's your life and you have to live it-no matter what. You have a good attitude and a sense of humor: both things that are good for healing.
    Lots of hugs.

  8. A 30 day cruise? Can we trade brothers? On the upside, Pete can fix air conditioners. :) Hope you're feeling better. Your Gemini Twin
